Tuesday, February 26, 2008


送交者: memorygone [巡抚★★] 于 February 24, 2008 02:03:23 已读 460

1月30日,广东佛山市中院对顾雏军案作出一审判决,顾雏军因虚报注册资本罪、违规披露和不披露重要信息罪、挪用资金罪被判有期徒刑12年,执行10年, 并处罚款680万元。相对于法庭判决,顾雏军的家人与律师的声音稍显微弱。其弟顾绍军表示"判决有失公正",他将与律师继续为顾雏军上诉,做无罪辩护;顾 雏军的律师坚称顾的行为"并不构成犯罪"。
顾雏军的悲剧既是时代的产物,也是个人性格的产物,前市场时代规则的粗糙与企业家的蛮横、政府的强制力夹杂在一起,造就了顾雏军、牟其中等一代企业家的不良发展土壤,以至草莽企业家一一殒落。 www.6park.com

顾雏军案件暂告一段落,让我们为顾雏军所代表的草莽时代送行。 www.6park.com

顾雏军是改革开放时代漫长的市场发展史中的一个标志性人物,随本轮牛市发轫而倒台,随货币改革深入资本市场下挫而入狱。从被捕到一审宣判,历时两年的时间说明中国的市场与法治都在权衡与反省。体现在判断结果中,就是政府通过典型案例,对于前规则时代的潜规则进行纠偏。 www.6park.com

说是规则与制度悲剧绝非无的放矢,事实上,许多人对于顾氏持同情态度者主要是因为潜规则的不可抗拒。 www.6park.com

以此次顾雏军的主要罪名而论,"虚报注册资本"这一行为既是中国企业了界普遍存在的现象,也得到了相关政府部门的支持和帮助。因为当地政府急于引进这位企业家为科龙脱困,许多手段在或明或暗之间规避着法律的制约。 www.6park.com

更进一步说,注册资本的规定是否合理都值得探究,没有证据表明,注册资本与企业前景有正向关系,注册资本多,企业就有发展前景。实际上,市场经济发达的国 家,成立企业成本低,对注册资本几乎不做要求;相反,越是欠发达地区,对企业的注册管制越是严,企业成本越高。世界银行对于发达国家与欠发达国家的企业成 立、运营成本有过详细实证调查,结果印证了这一点。从我国的企业管理来看,也是逐渐从高成本过度到低成本,这是趋势。但问题在于,顾雏军违背了现行的法 律,他无法得到豁免,那么,我们应该追问,那些支持顾雏军的行政力量是否应该得到豁免? www.6park.com

顾氏的另一项罪名"违规披露和不披露重要信息罪"。由于科龙电器在2000年和2001年连续亏损,被证券交易所戴上了"ST"的帽子。为了不被退市, 2002年至2004年间,顾雏军指使其余数名同案被告人以加大2001年亏损额、压货销售、本年费用延后入账、作假废料销售等方式虚增利润。这种做帐方 式――将已销售产品留在仓库的做法在家电行业十分普遍,行业内称之为"压货"――十分普遍。有不少企业通过压货销售、本年费用延后入账等方式虚增利润。在 中国的资本市场,虚增利润以免退市或者拉抬股价,几成顽疾。大部分ST上市公司都在第三个财务年有一个利润的上升,以避免退市的命运。这里同样牵涉到规则 的问题,三年亏损退市的规定是否合理?对于普遍存在的现象是否应该责罚某个典型案件的主犯?"潜规则"当然不能成免责依据,不过如果潜规则大行其道,我们 就应该追问"明规则"是否存在巨大的不合理? www.6park.com

令人欣慰的是,此次对顾雏军的判决兼顾了法理与情理,体现了对于司法对于历史时代的尊重。比如,法院经过了漫长的调查与审理过程,最终对职务侵占罪不予认定。 www.6park.com

无论是在实业界还是资本市场,在司法与规则制度的些微变迁,都预示着第一代草莽英雄时代已经过去。顾雏军既是不公正的经济规则的可怜的替罪羊,也是中国市 场化初创期的丛林英雄,但市场愈成熟,丛林英雄的空间愈少,规则与创新英雄的空间愈大。希望顾雏军这一休止符,同样能开启规则时代的大门。

Sunday, February 24, 2008

MMC/SD/SDIO comparisons

Technical comparison
Type MMC RS-MMC MMC Plus SecureMMC SD SDIO miniSD microSD
SD Socket Yes Mechanical adapter Yes Yes Yes Yes Electro-mechanical adapter Electro-mechanical adapter
Pins 7 7 13 7 9 9 11 8
Form factor Thin Thin/short Thin Thin Thick (exceptions possible) Thick Narrow/short/thin Narrow/short/extra thin
Width 24 mm 24 mm 24 mm 24 mm 24 mm 24 mm 20 mm 11 mm
Length 32 mm 18 mm 32 mm 32 mm 32 mm 32 mm+ 21.5 mm 15 mm
Thickness 1.4 mm 1.4 mm 1.4 mm 1.4 mm 2.1 mm (exceptions possible) 2.1 mm 1.4 mm 1 mm
SPI mode Optional Optional Optional Required Required Required Required Optional
1 bit mode Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 bit mode No No Yes  ? Optional Optional Optional Optional
8 bit mode No No Yes  ? No No No No
interrupts No No No No No Optional No No
Xfer clock 0–20 MHz 0–20 MHz 0–52 MHz 0–20 MHz? 0–25 MHz - 0–50 MHz 0–25 MHz 0–25 MHz? 0–25 MHz?
Max Transfer 20 Mbit/s 20 Mbit/s 416 Mbit/s 20 Mbit/s? 100 Mbit/s - 200 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s
Max SPI Transfer 20 Mbit/s 20 Mbit/s 52 Mbit/s 20 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s
DRM No No No Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes
User encrypt No No No Yes No No No No
Simplified Spec Yes Yes No Not yet? Yes Yes No No
Memb cost $2500/yr (not required) $2000/yr (General), $4500/yr (Executive)
Spec cost $500  ?  ? Member Member Member Member
Host license No No No No $1000/yr + membership cost
Mem card royalties Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I/O card royalties N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1000/yr + membership cost N/A N/A
Open source compatible Yes Yes Yes? Yes? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Type MMC RS-MMC MMC Plus SecureMMC SD SDIO miniSD microSD

Table data compiled mostly from simplified versions of MMC and SDIO specifications and other data on SD card and MMC association web sites. Data for other card variations is interpolated.

Capacity limit in all SD/MMC formats appears to be 128 GB in LBA mode (28-bit sector address).

[edit] See also


  • 请参阅 关于Ubuntu自动挂载Windows分区,hda1是指windows系统分区,您的有可能是sda1。
  • 此Wiki文件安装的字体适合于系统中有足够权限的所有用户。倘若您的系统是单用户,只需将字体文件复制到~/.fonts文件夹中,再刷新系统,重启X,步骤类似。请看懂後再进行操作,以免破坏您的系统。
  • 请注意字体权限,使用该字体的用户必须至少具有字体文件的可读权限。
  • 拷贝3个字体文件(simsun.ttc SURSONG.TTF tahoma.ttf)到/usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType/ 目录, 命令:
mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType/
sudo cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/simsun.ttc /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType/
sudo cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/SURSONG.TTF /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType/
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  • 更新linux字体列表,命令:
sudo fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType/
  • 通过替换/etc/fonts/language-selector.conf来配置字体,只有这么配置後,才能达到美化的效果,不要更改/etc/fonts/fonts.conf。
gksu gedit /etc/fonts/language-selector.conf
    • 修改为:
<family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family>
<family>DejaVu Serif</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL ZenKai Uni</family>
<family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family>
<family>DejaVu Sans</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL ZenKai Uni</family>
<family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family>
<family>DejaVu Sans Mono</family>
<match target="font" >
<test name="family" compare="contains" >
<test compare="more_eq" target="pattern" name="weight" >
<edit mode="assign" name="embolden" >
<match target="font" >
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<edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
<test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq">
<edit name="antialias" mode="assign" >
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family">
<string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string>
<string>AR PL New Sung</string>
<edit binding="strong" mode="prepend" name="family">
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family"><string>宋体</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign"><string>SimSun</string></edit>
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family"><string>新宋体</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign"><string>SimSun</string></edit>
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family"><string>仿宋_GB2312</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign"><string>FangSong_GB2312</string></edit>
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family"><string>楷体_GB2312</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign"><string>KaiTi_GB2312</string></edit>
<match target="pattern">
<test name="family"><string>黑体</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign"><string>SimHei</string></edit>


See also: IPA, Consonants
Edit - Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
i • y
ɨ • ʉ
ɯ • u
ɪ • ʏ
• ʊ
e • ø
ɘ • ɵ
ɤ • o
ɛ • œ
ɜ • ɞ
ʌ • ɔ
a • ɶ
ɑ • ɒ
Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right
represents a rounded vowel.

IPA chart for English

This concise chart shows the most common applications of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to represent English language pronunciations.

See Pronunciation respelling for English for phonetic transcriptions used in different dictionaries.

Note: An image of the chart is also available.
IPA Examples
IPA: English Consonants
p pen, spin, tip
b but, web
t two, sting, bet
d do, odd
chair, nature, teach
gin, joy, edge
k cat, kill, skin, queen, unique, thick
ɡ go, get, beg
f fool, enough, leaf, off
v voice, have, of
θ thing, teeth
ð this, breathe, father
s see, city, pass
z zoo, rose
ʃ she, sure, emotion, leash
ʒ pleasure, beige
x Scottish loch[1]
h ham
m man, ham
n no, tin
ŋ ringer, sing,[2] finger, drink
l left, bell
ɹ run, very[3]
w we
j yes
ʍ what[4]
IPA: Marginal Sounds
ʔ uh-(ʔ)oh
IPA Examples
United States
New Zealand
South Africa
IPA: English Vowels
ɑː ɑ ɐː a
ɪ ɪ ɪ ɘ ɪ
i ɪi i i i
ɛ ɛ e e ɛ
ɜː(ɹ) ɝ/ɹ̩ ɜː(ɹ) ɵː(ɹ) ʌɾ, ɛɾ,

burr, berm, bird
æ æ æ,
ɛ a
lad, bad, cat[9]
ɑː(ɹ) ɑɹ aː(ɹ) ɐː(ɹ)
arm, car
ʌ ʌ a ɐ ʌ
run, enough
ɒ ɑ ɔ ɒ ɔ
not, wasp
ɔː ɔ
law, caught[10]
ʊ ʊ ʊ ʊ ʉ
put, wood
ʊu ʊu ʉː ʉː
soon, through
ə ə ə ɘ ə
ə(ɹ) ɚ/ɹ̩ ə(ɹ) ɘ(ɹ) əɾ
IPA: English Diphthongs
æɪ æe e
day, pain
ɑe ɑe
my, wise
ɔɪ ɔɪ oe  ?
əʊ əʉ ɐʉ o
no, tow
æɔ æo
ɪə(ɹ) ɪɹ ɪə(ɹ) iə(ɹ)
near, here
eə(ɹ) ɛɹ eː(ɹ) eə(ɹ)
hair, there[12]
ʊə(ɹ) ɔɹ oː(ɹ) oː(ɹ)
ʊɹ, ɔɹ ʊə(ɹ),

IPA: Other symbols used in transcription of English pronunciation
IPA Explanation
ˈ Primary stress (placed before the stressed syllable), for example rapping /ˈɹæpɪŋ/
ˌ Secondary stress/full vowel, for example ' /ˈbætl̩ˌʃɪp/
. Syllable separator, for example ice cream /aɪs.krim/ vs. I scream /aɪ.skrim/
 ̩ Syllabic consonant, for example ridden /ˈɹɪdn̩/

IPA diagram

For a guide to pronouncing IPA transcriptions of English words, see IPA chart for English.
The general principle of the IPA is to provide one symbol for each distinctive sound (or speech segment).[10] This means that the IPA does not use letter combinations unless the sound being represented can be regarded as a sequence of two or more sounds.[III] The IPA also does not usually have separate letters for two sounds if no known language makes a distinction between them (a property known as "selectiveness"[2]),[IV] and it does not use letters that represent multiple sounds, the way represents the consonant cluster [ks] in English. Additionally, in the IPA no letters have sound values that are context-dependent, such as in English (and most other European languages).
The symbols of the IPA are 107 letters for consonants and vowels, 31 diacritics which further specify those sounds, and 19 suprasegmentals, which indicate such qualities as length, tone, stress, and intonation.[II]
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Saturday, February 23, 2008

English phonology - Consonants


This is the English Consonantal System using symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

  bilabial labio-
dental alveolar post-
palatal velar glottal
plosive p  b     t  d     k  ɡ  
nasal m     n     ŋ 1  
flap       ɾ 2        
fricative   f  v θ  ð 3 s  z ʃ  ʒ 4 ç 5 x 6 h
affricate         tʃ  dʒ 4      
approximant       ɹ 4   j    
lateral approximant       l        
approximant ʍ  w 7
  1. The velar nasal [ŋ] is a non-phonemic allophone of /n/ in some northerly British accents, appearing only before /k/ and /g/. In all other dialects it is a separate phoneme, although it only occurs in syllable codas.
  2. The alveolar flap [ɾ] is an allophone of /t/ and /d/ in unstressed syllables in North American English and Australian English.[35] This is the sound of tt or dd in the words latter and ladder, which are homophones for many speakers of North American English. In some accents such as Scottish English and Indian English it replaces /ɹ/. This is the same sound represented by single r in most varieties of Spanish.
  3. In some dialects, such as Cockney, the interdentals /θ/ and /ð/ are usually merged with /f/ and /v/, and in others, like African American Vernacular English, /ð/ is merged with dental /d/. In some Irish varieties, /θ/ and /ð/ become the corresponding dental plosives, which then contrast with the usual alveolar plosives.
  4. The sounds /ʃ/, /ʒ/, and /ɹ/ are labialised in some dialects. Labialisation is never contrastive in initial position and therefore is sometimes not transcribed. Most speakers of General American realize <r> (always rhoticized) as the retroflex approximant /ɻ/, whereas the same is realized in Scottish English, etc. as the alveolar trill.
  5. The voiceless palatal fricative /ç/ is in most accents just an allophone of /h/ before /j/; for instance human /çjuːmən/. However, in some accents (see this), the /j/ is dropped, but the initial consonant is the same.
  6. The voiceless velar fricative /x/ is used by Scottish or Welsh speakers of English for Scots/Gaelic words such as loch /lɒx/ or by some speakers for loanwords from German and Hebrew like Bach /bax/ or Chanukah /xanuka/. /x/ is also used in South African English. In some dialects such as Scouse (Liverpool) either [x] or the affricate [kx] may be used as an allophone of /k/ in words such as docker [dɒkxə]. Most native speakers have a great deal of trouble pronouncing it correctly when learning a foreign language. Most speakers use the sounds [k] and [h] instead.
  7. Voiceless w [ʍ] is found in Scottish and Irish English, as well as in some varieties of American, New Zealand, and English English. In most other dialects it is merged with /w/, in some dialects of Scots it is merged with /f/.

Phonology - Vowels


Main article: English phonology


IPA Description word
i/iː Close front unrounded vowel bead
ɪ Near-close near-front unrounded vowel bid
ɛ Open-mid front unrounded vowel bed
æ Near-open front unrounded vowel bad
ɒ Open back rounded vowel box 1
ɔ/ɑ Open-mid back rounded vowel pawed 2
ɑ/ɑː Open back unrounded vowel bra
ʊ Near-close near-back rounded vowel good
u/uː Close back rounded vowel booed
ʌ/ɐ/ɘ Open-mid back unrounded vowel, Near-open central vowel bud
ɝ/ɜː Open-mid central unrounded vowel bird 3
ə Schwa Rosa's 4
ɨ Close central unrounded vowel roses 5
e(ɪ)/eɪ Close-mid front unrounded vowel
Close front unrounded vowel
bayed 6
o(ʊ)/əʊ Close-mid back rounded vowel
Near-close near-back rounded vowel
bode 6
Open front unrounded vowel
Near-close near-front unrounded vowel
Open front unrounded vowel
Near-close near-back rounded vowel
ɔɪ Open-mid back rounded vowel
Close front unrounded vowel
ʊɚ/ʊə Near-close near-back rounded vowel
boor 9
ɛɚ/ɛə/eɚ Open-mid front unrounded vowel
fair 10


It is the vowels that differ most from region to region.

Where symbols appear in pairs, the first corresponds to American English, General American accent; the second corresponds to British English, Received Pronunciation.

  1. American English lacks this sound; words with this sound are pronounced with /ɑ/ or /ɔ/.
  2. Many dialects of North American English do not have this vowel. See Cot-caught merger.
  3. The North American variation of this sound is a rhotic vowel.
  4. Many speakers of North American English do not distinguish between these two unstressed vowels. For them, roses and Rosa's are pronounced the same, and the symbol usually used is schwa /ə/.
  5. This sound is often transcribed with /i/ or with /ɪ/.
  6. The diphthongs /eɪ/ and /oʊ/ are monophthongal for many General American speakers, as /eː/ and /oː/.
  7. The letter <U> can represent either /u/ or the iotated vowel /ju/. In BRP, if this iotated vowel /ju/ occurs after /t/, /d/, /s/ or /z/, it often triggers palatalization of the preceding consonant, turning it to /ʨ/, /ʥ/, /ɕ/ and /ʑ/ respectively, as in tune, during, sugar, and azure. In American English, palatalization does not generally happen unless the /ju/ is followed by r, with the result that /(t, d,s, z)jur/ turn to /tʃɚ/, /dʒɚ/, /ʃɚ/ and /ʒɚ/ respectively, as in nature, verdure, sure, and treasure.
  8. Vowel length plays a phonetic role in the majority of English dialects, and is said to be phonemic in a few dialects, such as Australian English and New Zealand English. In certain dialects of the modern English language, for instance General American, there is allophonic vowel length: vowel phonemes are realized as long vowel allophones before voiced consonant phonemes in the coda of a syllable. Before the Great Vowel Shift, vowel length was phonemically contrastive.
  9. This sound only occurs in non-rhotic accents. In some accents, this sound may be, instead of /ʊə/, /ɔ:/. See pour-poor merger.
  10. This sound only occurs in non-rhotic accents. In some accents, the schwa offglide of /ɛə/ may be dropped, monophthising and lengthening the sound to /ɛ:/.

See also

Saturday, February 16, 2008



产业工人,发电厂操作员矿产爆破工人现在也成为澳大利亚收入最高的阶层,和牙医、医生律师比肩。借矿产繁荣的东风,该行业薪资在过去 20 年增长达 298% ,使从业人员周薪达到 1423-1974 元,年薪超过 10 万。另一方面,销售新丁,厨师和美发师收入最少,周薪最低的只有 394 元 (年薪 20488 元) 。

尽管在过去 20 年薪资增长很快,护士和教师仍然算不上最高收入阶层。其中教师薪资增加 205% ,小学教师每周收入 1062 元,中学教师 1149 元。

澳洲中学的技术、自然科学及数学教师严重短缺, 外国语言教师也出现不足。部分教师的年薪酬起点为 3.5 万澳元开始,在十年内提升至 5 万澳元。

由于需求量的增加,很多行业都需招募各类的社会工作者,例如在教育方面、医疗护理、心 理辅导、婚姻辅导、酿酒和毒品方面的辅导及对年迈者的照顾等,因此这类行业都有着相当好的就业前景,特别是在教育、医疗护理及心理辅导方面。社会工作者除 了在政府部门工作外,也可任职于志愿福利团体、教会及社区中心,从事有关社会福利、健康、社区发展等工作。这个职业的薪酬起点为每年 3.2 万澳元,高的可达到 5.5 万澳元 .

护士因为技术工人短缺,其薪资增长在过去 20 年达 244%。他们的平均周薪达到 961 元。护士入职薪金为年 3.1 万澳元,不过由于要轮班,一般比底薪多一些,有八年经验的注册护士的底薪为年 4.3 万澳元,而护士长得薪酬则达到年 8.7 万余澳元。目前护士是以女性占大多数,男护士只占百分之十几。

秘书的入职薪金为年 3 万澳元,顶尖的私人助理及行政助理则有大约年 8 万澳元的薪酬。

旅游业,从业员需要竞争职位,薪酬是依据经验而定的。不过入职的起薪点大约为年 2.6-3.3 万澳元。数年后会提升至大约年 4 万澳元。至于高薪职员则可赚大约年 6.5 万澳元。

澳洲的会计人材很多,都受聘于大商业机构。一个会计的入职起薪点大约为年 3 万澳元。有经验及能力的人士可赚取六位数字的薪酬。税务会计师可赚取 4.5-6.5 万澳元。一个有多于三年经验的税务顾问的薪酬 4.4-5.5 万澳元。有六到七年经验的则可赚取 6.7-7.2 万澳元。所以会计师的薪酬的前景是很可观的。

根据澳大利亚统计局数据,经济学家,IT 工人和矿业工程师薪资增长最快。自 1986 年以来增长幅度分别是 243% 和 407% 。

无可否认信息行业是目前最蓬勃发展的行业。澳洲信息工业委员会估计有 2 万个职位空缺,这是因为人材流失海外所致。计算机已进入各行各业,甚至规划、工程、测量及工业设计待业都使用电脑。电脑从业员的薪酬亦水涨船高。一个程序设计员的入职起薪点是年 4.5 万澳元,不过一个程序发展经理的薪酬确是 15 万澳元。网络行政人员的薪酬为 4.5 万澳元,而网络经理则是 11 万澳元。从事这个行业的 23-25 随人士的薪酬比其他行业同年龄段的好得多。


近年澳洲的农业和酿酒兴旺,随之而来的是职位的增加。在这方面,最大的需求是农业顾问,一个农业顾问起薪点是年 3-3.5 万澳元,在两年后成为专家顾问时薪酬可达年 8.5 万澳元。

庭院设计也是一个正在起飞的行业,工作范围包括设计、建造及维修等。而为高尔夫球场、马场、木球场及足球场铺设草地的工作员,资深的员工薪酬可达年 10 万澳元 .

加拿大 澳大利亚 新西兰

1,在移民监方面,澳大利亚对于新移民在移民监方面要求比加拿大宽松。 加拿大要求新移民每年都必须住满183天 才能保住移民身份,而澳大利亚要求五年内住满两年即可保住移民身份。因此澳大利亚的移民监允许你更灵活地安排时间。新西兰的移民监是最松的。如果你即要一 个外国居民的身份,又要保住中国护照以便回中国工作的话,新西兰要比澳大利亚和加拿大都更加理想得多。在澳大利亚和加拿大,只要你不入国籍,你此生都必须 永远坐移民监,而且是你们全家的成年人都需要一起坐移民监。而在新西兰,只需要主申请人一个人单独坐移民监就可以保住全家人的身份。如果主申请人在头两年 满足了居住要求的话(比如,每年住满了183天,或者虽然没有住满183天,但是每年住满了41天并且满足"与新西兰有恒久联系"的要求,比如,在新西兰有固定住宅,子女生在新西兰,将全球所得向新西兰政府报税等等),那么全家人就都可以拿到一个永久回头签证(Indefinite visa),从此你们全家人就不用再蹲一天的移民监了,可以远走高飞去别的地方干你们的事情去,同时不会丢掉你们的新西兰移民身份。如果要入国籍,加拿大要求你实际必须住满三年,而澳大利亚只要求你实际住满一年零11个月(法律规定住满两年,两年中可以离境一个月)。新西兰要求申请人本人实际住满两年零二天(法律规定:申请国籍之前的三年住在新西兰,三年中离境时间不超过12个月,单次离境不超过6个月。以12周内住满8周为三年的起点,申请国籍时亦必须在过去8周内住在新西兰)。

2 退休金问题。等你65岁时,你就到了澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰三国所规定的可以领取退休金的年龄了。这时如果你在澳大利亚和新西兰居住了10年(必须是在18岁以后居住的才算,18岁以前的居住不算;加拿大同),你可以领到百分之百的全额退休金(新西兰还规定:这10年中必须有5年是在55岁之后居住的)。而加拿大规定:居民必须在加拿大住满40年才能领到百分之百的全额退休金,少住一年就减去四十分之一;住满10年方有资格领取退休金。举个例子:如果到了65岁领退休金的法定年龄,你已经在加拿大住满了9年,那么你一分钱也领不到(澳大利亚、新西兰同),而到了你66岁,同时已经住满了10年的时候,如果在澳大利亚,或者在新西兰并且这十年中有五年是55岁以后在新西兰度过的,你就可以领取百分之百的退休金,而在加拿大,你只能领取四分之一(10年除以40年=四分之一),到67岁时你可以领取百分之二十七点五(11年除以40年=27.5%),由此类推,到你96岁, 才能领到全额退休金,而且前题是:你没有在此期间跑到美国或中国等加拿大以外的地方去居住。当然,在这几个国家,你都可以在政府设立的退休基金中另外得到 一份退休金,这第二份退休金必须是在你有工作并且缴纳了费用的情况下才能享用。你可以同时领取两份退休金,它们彼此不矛盾。


3 护照或居民身份带来的便利方面: 以 澳大利亚居民的身份,你可以随意进入新西兰居住和生活,并且得到新西兰居民同样的待遇。其它国家的身份做不到这一点。持加拿大护照可以自由进入美国,但是 得不到居民待遇,找工作也受限制。比如,如果你在美国找的工作不是季节性的农场帮工,而是一个白领工作,那么你还要特别申请。新西兰的护照允许你去澳大利 亚不受限制地工作和居住,但是在福利方面得不到澳大利亚居民待遇。


4 机会方面,澳大利亚离亚洲近,是距离中国最近的西方国家,也是一个面向亚洲的国家。很多跨国公司将其亚太总部设在悉尼。加拿大挨着美国这个机会多的大市场。新西兰离澳大利亚近,但是远离其它大市场。新西兰太小,工作机会少,而且工资低。


5 澳大利亚对非白人的种族歧视问题比加拿大严重。几十年前曾经有臭名昭著的"白澳政策",对土著人的政策也显示出侵犯人权的问题。现在还有反亚裔移民的"单一民族党"。新西兰也不象加拿大那样多元化。加拿大华人地位据信是最高的。


6 如果你老爸是亿万富翁,可千万不要去澳大利亚和新西兰,一定要去加拿大,否则你得到的遗产会被澳大利亚和新西兰政府用遗产税的名义给掠走一大半的。


7 澳大利亚气候好,属地中海型气候,四季如春。加拿大一年中很长的时间是冬季。作为旅游者,你会喜欢雪,但常年累月的住在那里,就不好玩了。新西兰气候比澳大利亚凉。


8 对于追求悠闲的生活节奏、以及家里有儿童的人来说,新西兰是个天堂。很多其它地方有的一些麻烦事,例如犯罪、环境污染等,新西兰少得多。新西兰的住宅大都有自己的花园,草地面积大。适合户外活动。


9 按联合国95年实行的一种新的方式排列贫富,考虑到自然资源等因素,澳大利亚是世界第一的富国。加拿大排第二。


当然,如果你是一个亿万富翁,以上这些对你的意义不大,你持塞拉利昂护照住在中国,也会过得很好,可以周游世界。 以上所有情况都是这几个国家目前的政策和情况。不排除今后发生变化的可能性


对比如下:  1。加拿大护照:事实是加拿大护照比澳洲更方便。加拿大护照能免签国家比澳洲多,澳洲护照到一些欧洲国家要签证。(法国,西班牙)
  2。物价:你只有长期居住两地,才能真正比较。我认识3个从澳洲移加的女孩,都说澳洲物价比加拿大贵。加拿大有 不少CHEAP 的MALL,如WALMART,$2。73 1箱12罐可乐。0。39$一磅香蕉。50寸电视机才2000$。上网有许多FREEISP,unlimited,我现在用的 $9。98unlimited,电话费$25 /momth,unlimited.打去中国我用$0。28/min 的电话公司。如用电话卡$10打62mins to CHINA,更便宜。上网普及率加拿大世界第二,53%,仅次于美国56%,新闻里刚看到.
  3.失业率:新移民失业率加拿大澳洲高,这是加拿大错误的移民政策造成的每年有近20万人移民加拿大,而澳洲才不到7 万,更可悲的是,造成大量不合格的技术移民,英语差,技术落后,这些人的确找不到工作。如果他们来澳洲,也是一样,除非澳洲的工司不在乎他们是否会说英语。而真正英语,水平高的,最快 2week 就找到60000$的工作.
  4。收入:我都提供数据来源了,不只你的排名数据从和而来?再说,只有WORLD BANK AND IMF 的数据最准确。在国内,老听别人说澳洲工资不高,50000 都算高薪。不过我在网上比较过两国的IT 工资,同一职务,加拿大略高,不过基本相差不大。澳洲现在工资的确有进步。华人,加拿大华人美国都有钱,全是香港,台湾的最用钱的人。去温哥华就知道了。多伦多大多大陆来的新移民,比较穷。
  5。美国:许多加拿大公民去美国工作,很少有人去办绿卡的,加拿大福利美国的多,许多人住WINSODR,VANCOUVOR,上班到美国的底的律,西雅图。加拿大公民可无限期住美国,出入境不用盖章,无需签证,而其他国家公民要办落地签证,ONLY 3月。加拿大公民在=美国工作不用等H1B签证,其他国家公民即使有了H1签证,也不能随意跳槽,(要公司帮办绿卡),可加拿大公民可享有TN签证,一年换一次,没有配额限制,所以加拿大
  公民根本不需要US 绿卡。一样可以工作,生活到退休,然后回加拿大
  6。 加拿大东部气候的确不行,其实整个北美洲东海岸都不,你到温哥华就知道为什么他是世界最美的城市了。  

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Global MBA Rankings 2007 - from ft

Current rank Business school name Country* Weighted salary (US$) Salary percentage increase Employed at three months (%)
1 University of Pennsylvania: Wharton U.S.A. 160497 132 91 (97)
2 Columbia Business School U.S.A. 149230 144 94 (95)
3 Harvard Business School U.S.A. 156672 113 94 (99)
3 Stanford University GSB U.S.A. 167744 118 94 (99)
5 London Business School U.K. 135522 122 96 (98)
6 University of Chicago GSB U.S.A. 139251 131 95 (100)
7 Insead France / Singapore 140551 94 90 (95)
8 New York University: Stern U.S.A. 131349 136 92 (100)
9 Dartmouth College: Tuck U.S.A. 144995 132 97 (99)
10 Yale School of Management U.S.A. 134733 151 92 (100)
11 Ceibs China 146410 159 99 (92)
11 IE Business School Spain 113450 149 91 (89)
13 IMD Switzerland 153148 91 94 (99)
14 MIT: Sloan U.S.A. 143839 119 94 (96)
15 University of Cambridge: Judge U.K. 127418 121 81 (72)
16 Iese Business School Spain 104284 136 98 (95)
17 UCLA: Anderson U.S.A. 140627 124 93 (96)
18 HEC Paris France 111223 125 85 (90)
19 Northwestern University: Kellogg U.S.A. 132312 105 95 (100)
19 University of Michigan: Ross U.S.A. 127149 114 85 (95)
19 University of Oxford: Saïd U.K. 127966 107 89 (89)
22 Manchester Business School U.K. 106913 128 85 (91)
23 Duke University: Fuqua U.S.A. 123409 115 89 (100)
24 Esade Business School Spain 97982 136 95 (91)
25 UC Berkeley: Haas U.S.A. 126891 96 94 (98)
26 University of Virginia: Darden U.S.A. 131136 127 93 (100)
27 University of Toronto: Rotman Canada 96643 125 94 (95)
28 Lancaster University Management School U.K. 102957 114 95 (97)
29 Cornell University: Johnson U.S.A. 125921 107 95 (99)
30 RSM Erasmus University Netherlands 104062 105 99 (81)
30 University of Maryland: Smith U.S.A. 108303 109 95 (100)
32 University of North Carolina: Kenan-Flagler U.S.A. 115766 116 91 (98)
33 Emory University: Goizueta U.S.A. 115787 115 93 (100)
34 Georgetown University: McDonough U.S.A. 110072 129 89 (91)
34 University of Arizona: Eller U.S.A. 91137 142 89 (100)
36 Warwick Business School U.K. 97965 102 93 (90)
37 Cranfield School of Management U.K. 119688 97 94 (100)
38 Michigan State University: Broad U.S.A. 94911 123 93 (100)
38 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign U.S.A. 88450 120 94 (87)
38 University of Rochester: Simon U.S.A. 110157 126 91 (91)
41 University of Western Ontario: Ivey Canada 98768 108 92 (90)
42 SDA Bocconi Italy 90521 108 83 (93)
43 Carnegie Mellon: Tepper U.S.A. 108975 109 95 (94)
43 Pennsylvania State University: Smeal U.S.A. 96969 128 95 (90)
45 University of Iowa: Tippie U.S.A. 91473 126 94 (97)
45 University of Minnesota: Carlson U.S.A. 93406 113 98 (97)
47 Rice University: Jones U.S.A. 109867 115 96 (97)
48 Purdue University: Krannert U.S.A. 100376 108 97 (86)
49 Australian Graduate School of Management Australia 115693 81 83 (78)
49 University of California at Irvine: Merage U.S.A. 98904 107 83 (100)
49 York University: Schulich Canada 82508 104 92 (82)
52 Boston College: Carroll U.S.A. 106719 111 96 (98)
52 University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business South Africa 162626 86 91 (93)
54 Edinburgh University Management School U.K. 102306 97 90 (93)
54 SMU: Cox U.S.A. 107642 124 75 (87)
56 Imperial College London: Tanaka U.K. 112238 85 95 (83)
57 Arizona State University: Carey U.S.A. 98462 110 95 (96)
57 Brigham Young University: Marriott U.S.A. 94039 129 96 (99)
57 Thunderbird School of Global Management U.S.A. 98496 105 48 (96)
57 University of Washington Business School U.S.A. 96850 102 96 (98)
61 Vanderbilt University: Owen U.S.A. 102703 117 87 (99)
62 Boston University School of Management U.S.A. 106219 111 92 (93)
62 Coppead Brazil 94486 131 63 (100)
62 University of Texas at Austin: McCombs U.S.A. 108928 95 94 (94)
65 Indiana University: Kelley U.S.A. 102934 107 89 (98)
65 University of Notre Dame: Mendoza U.S.A. 99756 117 97 (83)
67 George Washington University U.S.A. 95633 103 88 (91)
67 Nanyang Business School Singapore 74283 110 91 (98)
67 Washington University: Olin U.S.A. 101620 97 86 (95)
70 Bradford School of Management/TiasNimbas Business School U.K. / Netherlands / Germany 87954 107 81 (72)
70 Trinity College Dublin Ireland 118297 90 62 (54)
72 University of South Carolina: Moore U.S.A. 82962 110 88 (99)
73 City University: Cass U.K. 103956 83 96 (96)
73 University of Bath School of Management U.K. 100850 85 94 (86)
73 University of Southern California: Marshall U.S.A. 107362 97 90 (92)
76 University of California: Davis U.S.A. 96200 102 91 (98)
77 University of British Columbia: Sauder Canada 83226 85 78 (88)
78 Birmingham Business School U.K. 87705 97 63 (55)
79 College of William and Mary: Mason U.S.A. 97240 113 82 (97)
79 Melbourne Business School Australia 105071 83 75 (73)
81 National University of Singapore Singapore 79794 92 100 (61)
82 Case Western Reserve University: Weatherhead U.S.A. 92222 109 80 (90)
83 University of Georgia: Terry U.S.A. 92923 102 92 (99)
84 University of Pittsburgh: Katz U.S.A. 94741 100 94 (95)
85 Nyenrode Business Universiteit Netherlands 100865 98 43 (57)
85 Texas A & M University: Mays U.S.A. 87244 108 98 (100)
87 Temple University: Fox U.S.A. 81956 106 87 (90)
88 Wake Forest University: Babcock U.S.A. 91114 112 81 (98)
89 Babson College: Olin U.S.A. 105254 91 94 (93)
90 McGill University: Desautels Canada 88293 87 82 (70)
90 Ohio State University: Fisher U.S.A. 90077 101 96 (85)
92 University of Wisconsin-Madison U.S.A. 94119 91 95 (98)
93 Leeds University Business School U.K. 94755 78 95 (95)
93 Nottingham University Business School U.K. 88961 89 90 (88)
95 Tulane University: Freeman U.S.A. 92739 110 93 (95)
96 University of Durham Business School U.K. 90766 72 87 (78)
97 Georgia Institute of Technology U.S.A. 89838 90 94 (99)
98 University College Dublin: Smurfit Ireland 100817 72 94 (95)
99 University of Miami School of Business U.S.A. 90667 101 77 (95)
100 Eada Spain 77188 109 88 (100)

Table Note

Although the headline ranking figures show the changes in the survey year to year, the pattern of clustering among the schools is also significant. Some 205 points separate the top school from the school ranked 100 in the 2007 ranking. The top 16 schools, from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania to Iese Business School, form the leading group of world class business schools. The second group is headed by the Anderson School at UCLA. Some 40 points separate the Anderson School from the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School, which leads the next group. The fourth group is headed by Edinburgh University Management School and includes schools ranked from 54 to 100. Some 51 points separate these 47 schools. However, there are very few points separating schools within this group.