Sunday, April 13, 2008

Guide to register a Pte. Ltd company in singapore (update 20091027)

If you need to apply for licences and permits, you should use OBLS to register instead.There must be at least one shareholder and one local director. Directors cannot be undischarged bankrupts, convicted of dishonesty offences, etc.Make sure no one else has the same name.All businesses are classified in Singapore according to their SSIC Code.Premises must be approved for business use and cannot be P.O. Boxes.SingPass is a unique ID and password that lets you transact with the Government online.You need a credit card, cash card or eNets Debit.This guide explains how to use BizFile to register.You can find detailed instructions in the BizFile Guide you downloaded in Step 7.If you need to apply for licences and permits, you should use OBLS to register instead.See full list of Referral Authorities.This is the same guide you downloaded in Step 7.Learn more about licences and permits you may need.M&AA are standard documents setting out your company's share structure and business operations.Rules you need to comply with to keep your business running.

1 comment:

Eason said...

The link address is changed to :